P r o d u c t s p i c t u r e d a b o v e i n c l u d e :
W H A T W E ‘ R E D I G G I N ‘
Balancing comfort and elegance, Tom Dixon’s Wingback is ready to envelope you in a hug. Available in micro and standard back height.
No more gathering around a single laptop while collaborating. Now share your screen anywhere with Steelcase’s Flex Media Cart.
Loving the angles of Orangebox’s On The QT, with an optional occupational censor and offered in two heights— both Haley approved.
L E T ‘ S D I G I N
The Newest Research on the Era of Hybrid
It’s time to give people what they want! We’ve heard it before but it’s truer now more than ever, what people really want is to feel valued and feel a sense of belonging. Learn more about Steelcase’s key findings and designing ‘Hybrid Neighborhoods’. Remember, you can always find the freshest articles at Steelcase 360!
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